Closing remarks by John A. Whitehill, Captain Co. ”A” 37th Tank Battalion, 4th Armored Division
This is a simple story of just one battle conceived in the throes of an unwanted war, and dedicated to Liberty.
Hundreds of men supported by thousands of additional men, knit together as one by the hardships, the hell and the glory of the field of battle.
Though many heroic deeds have gone officially unrecognized, every soldier is a hero in the eyes of those who love him, and each knows in his own heart, the part he played in final victory.
The Memorial Monument in Bigonville. Photo by Guy Ries
Nicolas CONRARDY (from Wiltz) - died December 24, 1944 in Bigonville. First he had to dig his own grave, and then he was siezed and shot by the Germans.
Marie PESCHE, 51 years old, died December 24, 1944 in Bigonville. She fled out into the open, and during her flight she was very seriously wounded. The American medical detachment tried to evacuate her to a military hospital, but she died on the way from loss of blood. The Americans laid her in the waiting room of the Bigonville-Holtz station, where she was later discovered.
Pierre REITER, 75 years old, and Anna SCHOLER, 35 years old, died December 23, 1944 in Bigonville. During the battle, the fear of being buried alive in the cellar overcame them and they all tried to save themselves by running out into the fields or the forest. In the open fields, the two of them were fatally hit. Pierre Reiter was torn to pieces, and Anna Scholer was hit in the back by a piece of shrapnel. She lived only about a half an hour.
Johann SCHEUREN was forced into the German Army. He died December 28, 1943 in Russia at age of 19.
Nicolas URTH (from Koetschette) died December 24, 1944 in Bigonville
He was a Unionist. (Luxembourg Resistance Organisation). He was cruelly beaten up and then shot and buried in a garden.
Nicolas WAMPACH, 73 years old, died December 24, 1944 in Bigonville. His body was only found after the battle.
Overview of the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm. Photo by Guy Ries
American Soldiers
John Paul BACHMAN, S/SGT, 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division
Harold L. BUSCHMAN, S/SGT, 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division
John ZOMP, SGT, 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division
Unknown American soldiers
Above only Names of Soldiers buried at Luxembourg American Military Cemetery, Hamm or provided by relatives & research. Please contact me if you have names and/or information about other U.S. casualties related to Bigonville, thank you.
Overview of the Luxembourg German Cemetery in Sandweiler. Photo by Guy Ries
Deutsche Soldaten
Paul BEDNAREK, Obergefreiter, gefallen am 23. Dezember 1944
Johann BRUNNER, Oberjäger, gefallen am 23. Dezember 1944
Günter DEWI, Gefreiter, gefallen unbekannt
Adolf DIRKS, Obergefreiter, gefallen am 21. Dezember 1944
Waldemar GOTTLOB, Gefreiter, gefallen am 25. Dezember 1944
Wilhelm HRIBAR, Jäger, gefallen unbekannt
Hans JABLONKA, Obergefreiter, gefallen unbekannt
Willi PABST, Gefreiter, gefallen am 22. Dezember 1944
Lothar SCHEIBE, Jäger, gefallen unbekannt
Wolfgang SCHLICK, Unteroffizier, gefallen am 24. Dezember 1944
Horst SCHUSTEREIT, Obergefreiter, gefallen am 24. Dezember 1944
Siegfried STANGE, Gefreiter, gefallen am 22. Dezember 1944
Edmund STROBEL, Unteroffizier, gefallen am 22. Dezember 1944
Unbekannte deutsche Soldaten
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